Technical and Design products for moving Dogs and people

Relationship and emotions between Dog and Human, a new school of behaviour


Speaker: Doctor Piero Di Marco

During these 12 years of activity, we learned that our customers appreciate and understand UNCONVENTIONALDOG products because their way to living their relationship with their dog, or rather their “travelling friend”, exactly reflects our way of conceiving products.

When we design and produce a new product, we always think about the deep relationship we have with them, which is based on love and respect. Our products are not only functional but they have a specific use destination to become every moment and situation with them pleasant, relaxing and unique.

On April 6, a first meeting was held on ZOOM entitled “RELATIONSHIP AND EMOTIONS BETWEEN DOG AND HUMAN, A NEW SCHOOL OF BEHAVIOR,” the beginning of a discovery journey with all those who wish to enter into an ever deeper relationship with their dogs. We chose and was honored to have with us an exceptional speaker, Dr. Piero Di Marco, who has spent much of his professional career studying and understanding the deep meaning of relationships with our dog friends

Here are some highlights of the key passages Doctor Di Marco covered during the webinar.

Doctor Di Marco introduced two new and fundamental concepts: the topic of the friendship or love relationship between us and our dog friends and the observation of quality.

The friendship relationship with them is one of the possible relationships that can be established, but with a unique characteristic, namely that in such a relationship one must be perfectly an equal, we chose each other and therefore the relationship must be perfectly symmetrical. Instead, we are often brought into an asymmetrical relationship with them, almost like a parental relationship, made up of mutual conditioning.

The Doctor Di Marco showed us how the dog comes to human to create an equal relationship. And he always invites us in his own way to understand what signal he wants to exchange with us. Moreover he invites us to a deeper reading of the meaning of friendship so that we can better understand this type of relationship. Relationship that should not enter into the responsibility and thus into a mental and rational dimension not being able to to express their mastery and the reasons for which we have chosen each other.
Furthermore, Doc Di Marco invited us to indulge in quality observation. The quality observation, as he pointed out, should also be the guide in humans relationships, but which is well suited to the relationship between us and our dog friend. With some practical cases, he made us realise how this type of quality observation does not start from thought but from feeling. A feeling that alignes us perfectly with the way our dogs perceive reality, that is with their senses. Only in this way can we begin to understand how our present or past inner unease often turns into fear or anger, which we project, albeit unconsciously, onto our dog.

Hence the patient becomes him, who, precisely because of the infinite love he has for us, enters into this conditioning relationship. Hence pathologies can onset that make us undertake unnecessary therapies that could also have side effects. Dr Di Marco concludes by returning to the importance of friendly love in a perfectly equal relationship. A equal relationship facilitates our dog to live this relationship in a freer, healthier way, without conditioning, which also means making him happier and in good health.

At the request of many, we are already planning the second meeting in which Doc Di Marco will get ideas from the many testimonies that have arrived, and will make some reflections with the persons concern in an open discussion with the participants.
If you wish to attend , please write to

Speaker’s profile

Doctor Piero Di Marco is a veterinary who has been practising for more than 35 years in his clinic in Catania, Italy. In addition to carrying out the ordinary activity of veterinary medicine, Doc Piero di Marco deals with the relationship between us and our dogs. His approach is absolutely unique because it starts from a deep observation of the relationship between us and our dogs, that special friendship that has much to teach us. Doc Di Marco uses all his knowledge about bioethics of behaviour so as to correctly understand the relational dynamics that are established and makes use of methods related to homeopathy and natural therapies. Indeed, through this reading he understands the causes of our dog’s malaise or physical problem in order to approach the illness or discomfort with homeopathy and phytotherapy. Doctor Di Marco’s approach is to treat our dog through a careful observation of the relationship between us and our dog, through his behaviour and reactions. And not only to cure or prevent the evolution of a disease but also to prevent disease in the absence of pathology through the relationship between us and our dog.

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